A sporadically updated account of my days

Monday, November 26, 2001

Wow, it's been a while hasn't it? So not much new going on these days. Looks like I'm going to be taking my truck home at Christmas since Dave's car only has 3 of 4 cylinders working and his mechanic told him not to leave the city. Crappy for his sake!

Saturday, November 10, 2001

Doh! Here's the September archive.

Well, this sucks. Looks like my September archive is toast. Luckily I had a copy of it kicking around on my computer. I guess I get to update it by hand form now on when I change things. Oh well. Eventually I'm sure it will disappear. ;)

Friday, November 09, 2001

Saw the coolest uncool thing on my way home from work today. You know, one of those cool things that is not good but bad? Yeah, anyways, there was a truck with a load of studs (wood you smartass). Anyways it pulled away from one of the traffic lights a little too quick and dumped the entire load right out on the road. It was cool because it looked like the whole pile landed perfectly. I don't know if it was strapped or not, but it was still cool. Good thing the car behind was actually far enough back. Wierd here in Ottawa. ;)

Thursday, November 08, 2001

Hehehehee. Today has become quite an interesting day! :)

Thursday, November 01, 2001

Oh my belly hurts. Yeah Tums! ;)

Yahoo! Amie arrives (sometime) tomorrow! :) Aw crap. I was supposed to do laundry tonight. Oops. Got to involved with changing the way my computer was setup. Oh well. hehehe. Laundry sucks. Saw a really bad accident on my way home from work today, well, on my way to Ikea before I went home that is. On Baseline close to the Home Depot there were two cars that looked like they had both tried ot make a left turn through one of the access places. Big mess, lots of cops and two ambulances. Judging by the way things looked, I'd say both cars would have had very hurt people.