PHYS2972 FR01B Light and Sound (eng ) Ghosh, S. 3.00 C WOOO-HOOOOO!!!!
Monday, April 30, 2001
Sunday, April 29, 2001
OK, so I've been trying to check my marks but I don't have any posted yet. This sucks. I should have at least my Physics mark there. I wrote the exam over a week ago so technically the prof is supposed to have the marks submitted. Grrrr. Hopefully tomorrow I'll find out. C is for graduation!
Saturday, April 28, 2001
Well, I'm done school now. This is so wierd! I'm not quite sure if I am done though, I have to check one of my marks and that should be available after midnight so I think I'm going to stay up a bit longer. Oh, I've upgraded to Win2k this evening. I finally have enough time to do it! This is when I realize how much I miss high speed net access. DIALUP SUCKS for downloading updates and stuff. OH! The best news of the past couple days is that MY TRUCK IS ON THE WAY!!! It's expected to arrive sometime this week baring any major problems with the transporting. Sweet!
Tuesday, April 24, 2001
BLECH!! This damn takehome is driving me nuts! I've got two questions left to do and I don't understand one of them and the other doesn't quite make sense. I'm thinking it might be time to just take a break and then come back with a somewhat clearer mind. And to think I don't even need this course to graduate. Why the hell didn't I drop this when I thought about it. Damn You Luke! The course would have been fine if it hadn't been so disorganized. I haven't even got my midterm back yet and exams are done on Saturday! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Wow. School is just sucking donkey at the moment. I can't bring myself to do much of anything and that really sucks. I've got a takehome to get done basically by the end of tonight so I can study for an exam I have on Thursday. Once that exam is done, I AM DONE UNIVERSITY FOREVER!!! :) I am SO happy about that. Oh, and the worst part - it's been gorgeous here again today! ARGH!!! It better not rain for the next three weeks or I'm going ot be really sad!
Saturday, April 21, 2001
Coffee late at night is not a good idea. Silly me. I'm never going to sleep now tonight and my stomach is growling like crazy,m partially from the caffeine and partially from being hungry I think. BLAH. Anyhoo, I'm thinking bed time now.
It is absolutely gorgeous today! I've got my shorts on for the first time this year, and it's not even chilly! :) We were out in the jeep today with the top off. Very nice but a little breezy as the wind was blowing a fair bit. I can't wait until I get my truck! There is going to be a lot of cruising in it! :)
Well, I just wrote physics and there is a good probability that I passed so I'm going to start drinking in about half an hour. WOOO-HOOO!
Friday, April 20, 2001
So I'm thinking that one of the first games I'm going to buy (Yes, BUY) once I get settled and really have the time is Black and White. It sounds really wicked from what I've read so far.
So this is it, 24 hours from now and I will be writing physics. ARGH!! Time for the big push now to learn at least 50% of this course. Damn I really don't like physics and I don't think it likes me.
Thursday, April 19, 2001
39 hours from now and physics will be done with, hopefully for good! C is for credit that's good enough for me! :)
Wow! So Good thing I'm graduating this year, the school just announced today that fees are going up. 8.5% increase on tuition and 5.5% increase on residence. BLAH!!
So I've decided that I'm not going to go back to school ever again. No more formal education for me. I'll stick withn learning cool stuff off the web or in courses at work instead. OH, but the good thing - The snow from yesterday is almost all gone!!! :)
I wonder if osmosis will work with physics. If I got take a shower with my notes on my head, will all the information be absorbed by my brain? It would be really sweet. Even if I had a somewhat photographic memory. Then I could stare at sample problems and recall all these damn formulae when needed. Grrrr. I hate memorizing crap. OK, I really have to get off this bitchfest.
Physics still really sucks. It'll keep sucking until the end of time. Well, at least until Saturday at noon because then I'll be done with the bloody shit for the rest of my life. Engineering makes so much more sense. Applied Science. Who cares about theoretical crap that never happens? Blah. OK, enough ranting now. ;)
Wednesday, April 18, 2001
Hot Damn. I never thought I'd say this, but IE is actually better than Netscape. The BlogThis function is sweet! I can't get it to work under Netscape at all. I'm gonna have to see if it does work because hot damn! I like it! :)
My Exam Schedule:
PHYS2972 Saturday, April 21, 2001 @ 09:00AM L.B. Gym-Main A&B 9-12
EE4243 Thursday, April 26, 2001 @ 02:00PM L.B. Gym-Main A 9-12
Hot damn physics sucks. There is only so much I can take of vibrations and waves. This stuff makes so much more sense when applied to light traveling down an optical fiber. BLAH!!!
Damn snow! We now have around 3-4 inches of new wet snow and it's still coming hard. This sucks donkey!
OK, so I've got my web cam taking pics now and dropping them onto my university account. Sort of cool. I really want to get up and running soon but I don't have the cash let alone the time. Soon, soon.
Well, it's time to start studying phucking physics. I can't wait to be done of this damn course. Reminder: NEVER leave a course you really despise until your last semester of university.
Tuesday, April 17, 2001
Booo-urns! Well, I think I'm going to get to watch some hockey tonight. FINALLY!! Today is my day off now, I start studying tomorrow. Blech. Stupid exams. Only 10 days left! :)
ok, so I've got a new simple layout done on this thing. You Like?? :) This setup is really sweet. It is extremely flexible and I'm liking everything about it. Now, I just need a local version for when I get to work because I'm sure they don't want proprietary information streaming over the web!
yeah! No more term paper. Now that I've got that crap out of the way, I can move on to playing for a little bit tonight. I've been toying with what I can do with this whole blogger thing. I think I might try to use it just to keep a record of what I'm doing. Sort of like a diary I guess, but not really. I'm wondering if I can put together a similar idea myself using a little perl. Hmmm...